God desires to be first in every aspect of our lives—including our finances. Financial giving to the church is divided into two categories: tithes and offerings. The Bible teaches us a baseline standard for giving: the tithe. When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, we are exhibiting that God comes first in our lives. When we feel called to give above and beyond our tithe, we do so as an offering.
Thank you for partnering with us and our mission to help people take their next step towards Christ. We are thankful for what God is doing at Life Church and in our faith community!
There are several ways to contribute:
By Check or Cash During the Worship Service
Simply place your contribution in the bag as it goes by. For tax purposes, please include your name and address on your check or offering envelope. Offering envelopes are in the seat backs, at the Resource Center, or at the church office.
By Mail
Send a check to: Life Church, 1013 East Bremer Ave., Waverly, IA 50677.
For tax purposes, please include your name and address.
To give online click here.