Services Sundays @ 10 am Facebook Live 1013 E Bremer Ave Waverly


Believe and be baptized. –Mark 16:16

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, baptism may be your next step. Jesus described it as a step of obedience in Matthew, chapter 16. Baptism does not save you, but it is the public demonstration of the private work God has done in you.

The word "baptism" means "to immerse." Life Church practices baptism by immersion, as portrayed in the Bible, to symbolize being buried with Christ and rising to new life. It is one of the highlights of the Christian life. (To learn more about Child Dedications, click here.)

If you would like to be baptized, watch for future "Baptism Sundays" to be announced. It's great time to invite family and friends to join you on this special day as you publicly declare your faith and take your next step toward Christ.